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Summer Skillshop

Summer Skillshops are aimed at students from Year 6 to Year 8 and will comprise of a programme that provides an opportunity for children to gain new skills, as well as refine existing knowledge, in a fun and engaging environment.


There will be a focus bridging the gap between Primary and Secondary school, as well as mastering basic skills needed later on which have maybe been missed. As well as focusing on a range of activities, including STEM activities, we will focus on developing wider skills, group work and some logical thinking!


The Skillshops will enable children to stay on top of their learning during the holidays through an experienced and dedicated team of specialists, but in a more relaxed and fun atmosphere, where we can assess and address specific needs that can be missed in a busy classroom.


As well a developing academic skills, children will have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded peers and develop their social skills through activities that promote communication, organisation and different “team” roles, that ultimately develop resilience.

Summer Skillshops


-for Year 6 to Year 8 students

-upskilling and reskilling

-fun activities for those who love to learn


Trowell Parish Hall, Stapleford Road, Trowell, Nottingham, NG93QA.


£25 per child per day. Packed lunches, drinks and snacks need to be brought. Session details will be published nearer the time on the website.

Day outline


Arrival     8.30 – 9am

Lunch     12-12.30pm

Pick up   4.30-5.30pm (prior arrangement)

Breaks to be incorporated

Dates for 2024


Monday 5th August

Tuesday 6th August

Wednesday 7th August

Thursday 8th August

Friday 9th August

Monday 12th August

Tuesday 13th August

Wednesday 14th August

Thursday 15th August

Friday 16th August

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